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Career Paths

We are committed to nurturing and retaining talent

We have extensively developed and modelled potential Career Paths for people throughout the organisation, enabling individuals to take control of their development and progress at the pace that is right for them. 

We have developmental and educational support signposted throughout our Career Paths, which helps individuals to identify the steps they need to take and receive the support needed, ensuring they stay on track. 

Career Paths are open to all our employees and have been designed to support succession planning, with a view to demonstrating our commitment to nurturing and retaining talent. 

Our Approach - 70:20:10

We use the 70:20:10 methodology of employee development. This is where 70% of learning comes from on-the-job experiences, 20% of learning comes through other people and the final 10% of learning comes through formal training. The 70:20:10 model is highly effective as it balances the different ways of learning, developing and training available. The ratio of 70:20:10 does not have to be followed exactly, but it is a good guide to the level of emphasis to place on each area of learning.

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